Thematic concert installations for 8 to 32 loudspeakers and orchestra.
Pardon? If you only understood Chuchichästli when hearing Chuchchepati you’re not completely wrong. The two terms from Nepali and Swiss German are some of the few that have three «ch» in them.

Soundsystem in Chuchchepati - Kathmandu.
Soundsystem From Kathmandu
With his Chuchchepati Orchestra, the Appenzell-based double bass player, experimental musician and sound art mediator Patrick Kessler combines the two terms and lets them ring true. «Chuchchepati» (pronounced djudjepati) means horizon in Nepali and is a district of Kathmandu. The name of the orchestra refers to the origin of the 32 large loudspeakers that function as a polyphonic sound installation.

The first eight Speakers getting ready for shipping to Switzerland
Chuchchepati Orchestra
Feeding them live on stage is the Chuchchepati Orchestra, which performs in changing line-ups; the permanent pool includes both local and international experimental and jazz musicians. The soundtrack is developed collectively during performances. The open concert space is transformed into a laboratory-like «chuchi» (the Swiss German term for Kitchen) in which the sounds, noises and tones simmer, bubble, boil up and cool down, and the interactions between orchestra, loudspeaker installation and audience become a horizon-expanding listening and viewing experience.

Arrival of the «Chuchchepati-Soundsystems» in Switzerland